sexta-feira, 13 de maio de 2011

NBA Character

Kobe Bean Bryant or Kobe Bryant as more it is known, is a player of basketball of the United States. It acts as section-shipowner for the Los Angeles Lakers. Currently it is had as one of the biggest players of all the times. 

Kobe, together with the pivot Shaquille O' Neal and the victorious person technician Phil Jackson took the Lakers the three consecutive championships in the NBA, the call dynasty in United States - 2000, 2001, 2002. After season 2003/04, Shaquille O' Neal left the teams and Kobe became it main star of the Lakers, being cestinha of the league per two seasons consecutive: 2005/06 and 2006/07. In these Kobe seasons it also broke some personal records and of the league. In 2006, it made 81 points in a game against Toronto Raptors (as it shows the video to follow), second bigger punctuation of all the times, behind only of the 100 points of Wilt the Chamberlains, marked in a departure in 1962. However, it has analysts of the NBA that defends that peformance of Kobe was better. 
Since the second season of its career, Kobe was titular in all the games of the stars of NBA, being MVP in four occasions: 2002, 2007, 2009 and 2011. In 2010 it was convoked to be titular, but he hindered it to a bruise to participate of the event. 

He was the player most valuable of the North American league (MVP), in season 2007/08, after to have led its teams to the best campaign in the conference West, had as one of most difficult of the last times and took the teams to the ends of the NBA, but not to the heading, that were in the hand of the rival greater of the Lakers, the Boston Celtics. In the same year, Kobe was gold medal in the Olimpíadas de Pequim. 

In 2009, Bryant took the Lakers to the heading of the NBA and, thus, it conquered its room championship in the career. He was also the player most valuable of the ends, that had occurred against the Orlando Magic. In this year, the uniform of Kobe was vendido in the United States, Europe and China. Still in 2009 the Rapper Lil Wayne homaged Kobe Bryant with a music with the proper name of Bryant. 

In 2010, in one it left against the Memphis Grizzlies, one became the pontuador greater of the history of the Los Angeles Lakers. 

Still in 2010, Kobe Bryant commanded plus a heading of the NBA of the Lakers when beating in seven games the Celtics. It was the first time that Kobe disputed a game 7 of the ends of the NBA. E for the second time in the career, was chosen as the MVP (more valuable player) of the ends.

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